Saturday, July 10, 2010

A (real) Moment with Pharrell Williams


Now, I've seen a lot of Pharrell Williams interviews in my day. And this by far is one of the best. There's a part one to it where he talks about his excitement over making the movie score to the new film "Despicable Me", and how he'd like to do more of it. In this particular vid he talks mainly about his journey into music from a very young age. And while most fans know the story about how they (The Neptunes) got discovered, I don't think he's ever gone into detail about it as he does here. To be honest, it sounds like one of the stories that tell you to never (as he puts it) really "put a cap" on your goals and ambitions. you simply never know what else you can achieve, and if you keep going the possibilities are endless. He needs to do more interviews like this. Two Thumbs up!

Credit: BlackTree TV
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