Friday, July 17, 2009

Here We Go Again: The D-Snitch on GMA


...and this is how I feel about this book and the ENTIRE subject...
Peep the "whatever" face.
Do as I say not as I do?
How about I just skip out on both parts. I'm just sayin'...
Hip Hop's favorite dick-snitch is back at it again. Karrine Steffans has yet another book out, and this time she's giving out relationship advice. I'm still mad that she screwed the dude who played Carl Winslow's son in Family Matters, but I digress. Still, as much as we roll our eyes and suck our teeth, she is making money off of whorish men. And she'll continue to do so as long as people make a big deal out of it. It's just like the prostitute or drug dealer on the block: what they do isn't right, but they're not trying to hide their occupation nor are they ashamed of it. Yet as long as we glorify it and actually keep paying for their services, the two will keep on serving. I'm just sayin'

On a side note though, peep the looks they giving between 1:25 and 1:35. They give my "whatever" look both breath and substance.
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